2023年11月23日 地震动力学论坛

报告题目:SCIENTIFIC WRITING IN ENGLISH:How to beat the natives at their own game!!

报  告 人:Prof.Dr. Christopher Spiers (Emeritus)

                  Utrecht University 

时       间:2023年11月23日(星期四) 下午14:30三楼报告厅

报告人简介:Christopher James Spiers,1980年毕业于伦敦大学帝国学院,获博士学位。1980~1983年先后在美国加州大学Berkeley分校和荷兰乌德勒支大学做博士后研究,1983年起在乌德勒支大学任教,1994年起担任教授,曾担任该校地球科学院院长、高温高压实验室负责人。Spiers教授的研究领域包括实验岩石和断层力学、高温高压下岩石的流变和流体运移性质、微观物理和化学机制、水岩相互作用的化学影响等,他在岩石变形机制方面的研究具有重要的国际影响,先后在包括Science、Nature系列在内的国际学术期刊发表论文近200篇。作为长期在母语非英语国家从事教学科研的英国人,他在为母语非英语的学生讲授专业课程以及用英文写作科技论文等方面经验丰富,曾应邀到多个国家讲授如何用英语写作科技论文。 

Abstract:Every culture has its own style of reasoning and writing. These are intimately and inseparably related to the development of the culture and its language. For non- native speakers of English, successful scientific writing in English is not only a matter of translating ideas into English. It is also a matter of adopting an Anglo- American way of thinking, of presentation and of expression. This way of thinking is deeply rooted in western culture and is very suitable for scientific writing.This is part of the reason for western dominance in science. In this seminar, I cannot teach you the English language. However, I can try to teach you the cultural and scientific background to English scientific writing, and I hope to give you some of the "secrets" and “tricks”we use. You may know much of what I will tell you already, but I hope I can raise your awareness of these secrets and tricks, so that you can compete more easily with native speakers when you present and write up your own work.