- 姓名: 何昌荣
- 性别: 男
- 电话: 010-62009040
- E-mail: crhe@ies.ac.cn
1982-1983年,东北工学院研究生出国预备生, 岩石力学专业;
在研课题(Current projects):
1)路珍,何昌荣,2015, 软弱成分层对断层泥强度的影响,地震地质,37, 68-80
2)路珍,何昌荣,2014, 热水条件下黑云母断层泥的摩擦强度与稳定性, 地球物理学报,57(4), 1123-1132
3)Lu Z., He C,2014,Frictional behaviour of simulated biotite fault gouge under hydrothermal conditions. Tectonophysics, 622, 62-80.
4)张雷,何昌荣,2014,龙门山映秀-北川断裂平溪黑色断层泥中有机成分分析及对断层摩擦滑动性质的影响,地震地质,36, 896-905
5)Zhang L., He C.,2013, Frictional properties of natural gouges from Longmenshan fault zone ruptured during the Wenchuan Mw7.9 earthquake, Tectonophysics, 594 ,149–164
6)He C.,Luo L.,Hao Q., Zhou Y.,2013,Velocity-weakening behavior of plagioclase and pyroxene gouges and stabilizing effect of small amounts of quartz under hydrothermal conditions, J. Geophys. Res.,118,3408–3430
8)Verberne Berend A.,Changrong He,Spiers Christopher J.,2010,Frictional Properties of Sedimentary Rocks and Natural Fault Gouge from the Longmen Shan Fault Zone,Sichuan,China,Bulletin of The Seismological Society of America,100(5B): 2767-2790
9)兰彩云,何昌荣,姚文明,靖晨,2010,热水条件下角闪石断层泥的摩擦滑动性质-与斜长石断层泥的对比, 地球物理学报,53(12): 2929-2937
10)周永胜,何昌荣,2009,汶川地震区的流变结构与发震高角度逆断层滑动的力学条件,地球物理学报, 52(2): 474—484
11)Zhou Yongsheng,He Changrong,Yang Xiaosong ,2008,Water contents and deformation mechanism in ductile shear zone of middle crust along the Red River fault in southwestern China,Science in China (Series D),51(10):1411-1425
12)He Changrong,Wang Zeli,Yao Wenming,2007,Frictional sliding of gabbro gouge under hydrothermal conditions,Tectonophysics,445:353-362
13)He Changrong,Yao Wenming,Wang Zeli,Zhou Yongsheng,2006,Strength and stability of frictional sliding of gabbro gouge at elevated temperatures,Tectonophysics,427:217-229
14)ZHOU Yongsheng, HE Changrong,SONG Juan,MA Shengli,MA Jin. 2005. An experiment study of quartz-coesite transition at differential stress. Chinese Science Bulletin, 50(5):446-451.
15)何昌荣,齐庆新,乔春生. 2005. 流变与地球动力学.译著(地震出版社)
16)He, C., Wong, T-f., and Beeler, N. M. 2003. Scaling of stress drop with recurrence interval and loading velocity for laboratory-17)derived fault strength relations.J. Geophys. Res. 108(B1), 2037, doi:10.1029.
17)He Changrong. 2003. Interaction between two sliders in a system with rate-and state-dependent friction. Science in China(Series D), Vol. 46 Supp.65-74.
18)He Changrong, Zhou Yongsheng, Sang Zunan. 2003. An experimental study on semi-brittle and plastic rheology of Panzhihua gabbro. Science in China(Series D), 46(7):730-742.
19)Ma S., He C. 2001. Period doubling as a result of slip complexities in sliding surfaces with strength heterogeneity. Tectonophysics, 337: 135-145.
20)He C. 2000. Numerical simulation of earthquake nucleation process and seismic precursors on faults. Earthquake Research in China, 14(3): 199-212.
21)何昌荣. 2000. 断层上的地震成核过程与前兆实验研究. 中国地震, 16(1), 1-13.
22)何昌荣,1999,两种摩擦本构关系的比较研究,地震地质,21(2), 137-146
23)He, C., S. Ma and J. Huang, 1998, Transition between Stable Sliding and Stick-slip due to Variation in Slip Rate under Variable Normal Stress Condition,Geophys. Res. Lett., 25, 3235-3238
24)He, C. and S. Ma, 1997, Dynamic Fault Motion under Variable Normal Stress Condition with Rate and State Dependent Friction, Proc. 30th Int'l. Geol. Congr., Vol.14, pp.41-52
25)何昌荣,张流, 1996, 用负刚度及变刚度方法研究粘滑,地震地质,18(3),199-211
26)He, C., 1995, Slip-weakening Constitutive Relation and the Structure in the Vicinity of a shear crack tip, Pure and Appl. Geophys. 145, 147-157
27)He, C., S. Okubo and Y. Nishimatsu, 1990, A Study on the Class II Behavior of Rock,Rock Mech. & Rock Engineering 23, 261-273
28)Okubo, S., Y. Nishimatsu and C. He, 1990, Loading Rate Dependence of Class II Rock Behavior in Uniaxial and Triaxial Compression Tests,Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 27, 559-562